Conditions We Treat
Low Back Pain
Neck pain
Shoulder Pain
Finding the true weak link within the shoulder region is critical for resolution.
Elbow Pain
Hip Pain
Knee Pain
- Arthritis
- Wrist & Hand Pain
- Ankle & Foot Pain
- Headaches
- Dizziness & Vertigo
- Numbness / Pins and needles
- Concussion & Whiplash
Headaches are very common and you’re almost guaranteed to have one in your lifetime. However there are a wide variety of headaches. Common types of headaches include tension type, migraines, cervicogenic, cluster. Your Chiropractor is trained in diagnosing your headache type and providing the correct management.
Headache referred from the neck (cervicogenic) is commonly treated at Potter Chiropractic.
Dizziness and Vertigo are disturbances to our balance. Our balance systems rely on the neural integration between our eyes, spinal joints, and inner ears. A wide variety of conditions can disrupt this integration between these 3 areas and we start to experience dizziness. Getting a thorough examination is key to resolving this condition.
The sensation of Pins, Needles and Numbness commonly occurs when a nerve is pinched, pushed, pulled, or inflamed. It is very common for this nerve tension to occur within the spine. A bulging disc pressing on a nerve will commonly cause pins and needles to be felt further down into the arms or legs.
Concussion is a mild brain injury that affects the brain stem and Whiplash is a trauma to the joints and muscles of the neck. These two separate conditions however generally occur from the same event, such as a car accident, a blow to the head, or a sporting injury like a tackle. Therefore people suffer from both of these conditions simultaneously.
Getting the proper diagnosis and treatment for these conditions is key to preventing long term complications.
Post-Surgery Pain and Complications
While surgeries get amazing results for some, other may still experience pain many years after. This is often due to underlying joint restriction and weakness, as the joint restriction and mobility issues were never fully addressed.
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