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Sciatica describes pain felt along the sciatic nerve region, which runs from your lower back, down through the buttock, hamstrings and into the lower leg. The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the body.

Sciatica is characterised by pain, numbness, and weakness in the legs. Commonly pain and numbness are located around the calf, foot, or back of the thigh regions. This is commonly preceded for a few weeks of lower back pain. Eventually the leg pain becomes worse than the back pain. Pain can either be dull and aching or can be a shooting pain down the leg all the way to the toes. This pain can last for several days or weeks or it can subside for even a few hours. However, someone who has had sciatica for a long period of time will find that the pain localises in the buttock, thigh and lower leg. In severe cases it can damage nerves and cause the calf muscles to deteriorate. All patients are unique with their pain and presentation.

While the diagnosis of sciatica is reasonably simple, the primary cause of your sciatica may require further investigations to eliminate or confirm its origin. It is also important to determine how significant your sciatic nerve has been compressed.

Pressure on the sciatic nerve can result from a number of reasons including:

  • Tightness of the piriformis muscle in the buttock that compresses the sciatic nerve
  • Spinal/vertebral dysfunction
  • Herniated disc or disc prolapse
  • Joint degeneration
  • Spinal compressions due to osteoporosis

Common Contributing Factors

  • Poor posture, prolonged sitting, poor mattress
  • Poor lifting techniques, and poor bending habits

It is very important that the patient is an active participant in the treatment process and understands the importance of staying active. Chiropractic treatment main objectives are:

  • Reduce pain
  • Restore movement
  • Reduce tension
  • Strengthen weakened muscles
  • Prevent a recurrence

Treatment aims to reduce nerve pressure caused by poorly moving spinal joints as well as easing muscular tension in the lower spine, buttock and leg. This is achieved by using a combination of the following techniques to suit the individual:

  • Spinal adjustments
  • Gentle Spinal mobilisation of the lower lumbar spine to help relieve pain and improve function
  • Release of muscle spasm
  • Traction of Lumbar spine manually
  • Massage to help reduce muscle tension and pain and improve blood flow
  • Hot and cold packs to reduce pain and stiffness
  • Advice and education - self-management techniques will ultimately help you to achieve your goal of safely returning to your previous sporting or leisure activities without sciatica
  • Exercise prescription to stretch and strengthen the muscles of your back, pelvis, hips, and stomach to help increase your flexibility, strength, and balance. The Chiropractor will teach you an exercise program so you can do it at home.
  • Patient Rehabilitation is very important to prevent the pain from becoming chronic. Many patients are relieved from their sciatica after a 4 to 5 visits and some patients benefit in maintaining care regularly because it keeps their bodies in optimum condition.

Many times people with sciatica wait until the pain becomes unbearable before they contact a Chiropractor. Waiting can cause long-term damage. It is important that you contact Potter Chiropractic when the pain originally begins
