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Pregnancy & Chiropractic

It has been documented that approximately 50% of all pregnant women experience back pain during their pregnancy (Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology).However, only 21% of pregnant women with back pain seek consultation with their physicians (Spine).

What must be considered is that during pregnancy, there are several physiological and endocrinological changes that occur in preparation for creating the environment for the developing baby.

The hormone Relaxin, produced by the ovaries has the function of relaxing the ligaments of the pelvis in preparation for labour. This process can lead to Sacroiliac Dysfunction (see sacroiliac blog).

Although the female pelvis has enough strength and stability to successfully carry a baby, the extra weight gain of 6 -10 kgs greatly increases the stress on the joints of the spine and pelvis during pregnancy.As the foetus develops during the 40 week pregnancy, the increasing weight is projected forward and the lumbar lordosis (arch of the low back) is increased, placing extra stress on the discs and spinal muscles.

The following changes may result in a misaligned spine or joints:

  • Increased lower back curve
  • Pelvic & spinal tensions
  • Pelvic & spinal muscle strain
  • Postural adaptations and compensations

Establishing pelvic balance and alignment is another reason to obtain chiropractic care during pregnancy. When the pelvis is misaligned, it may reduce the amount of room available for the developing baby. This restriction is called intrauterine constraint.

A misaligned pelvis may also make it difficult for the baby to get into the best possible position for delivery. This can affect the mother's ability to have a natural, non-invasive birth. Breech and posterior positions can interfere with the natural ease of labour and lead to interventions such as caesarean sections.

Chiropractic care during pregnancy may provide benefits that may include:

  • Relieving back, hip & neck pain
  • Maintaining a healthier mum during pregnancy
  • Alleviating symptoms of nausea

Book your consultation a Potter Chiropractor and explore the benefits our care has for expectant mothers.

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