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Chiropractic and Pregnancy


It has been reported that approximately 50% of all pregnant women experience back pain during their pregnancy (Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology).However, only 21% of pregnant women with back pain seek consultation.

During pregnancy, there are several physical (physiological) and hormonal (endocrinological) changes that occur in preparation for creating the environment for the developing baby. And although the female pelvis has enough strength and stability to successfully carry a baby, the extra weight gain of 8-12 kgs greatly increases the stress on the joints of the spine and pelvis during pregnancy.As the foetus develops during the 40 week pregnancy, the increasing weight is projected forward and the lumbar lordosis (arch of the low back) is increased, placing extra stress on the discs and spinal muscles.

The aforementioned changes may result in a misaligned and irritated joints of the spine:

  • Protruding abdomen leading to increased lower back curve
  • Pelvic instability, especially at the sacroiliac joints
  • Postural adaptations

Establishing and maintaining pelvic balance and alignment is an important reason to obtain chiropractic care during pregnancy at Potter Chiropractic. Treatment aims focus on realignment and correcting poorly moving spinal joints as well as easing muscular tension in the lower spine, buttocks and leg. This is achieved by using a combination of the following techniques to suit the pregnant mother:

  • Gentle spinal adjustments
  • Spinal mobilisations
  • Massage
  • Assisted stretching
  • Exercise prescription to stabilise and strengthen the muscles of your back, pelvis, hips, and stomach. The Chiropractor will provide you an exercise program to undertake at home.

The benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy may include:

  • Relieving back, pelvic and neck joint pain
  • Releasing strained muscles
  • Helping with a better quality sleep
  • Maintaining a healthier pregnancy
  • Helping with symptoms of nausea

If you, or anyone you know is pregnant, it is recommended that you consult Potter Chiropractic and explore the benefits that chiropractic care may have for the expectant mother. Don't leave it too late. 
